Experiencing infertility is hard.

Fearless is here to support you.

Approximately 1 in 6 Canadian couples face infertility and some studies suggest that this number is on the rise. Couples and individuals experiencing infertility often face emotional, physical, financial, and psychological challenges. On top of that, many couples don’t know who to turn to, how to navigate the medical system as it relates to fertility and where to find support.

Fearless Wellness Centre is here to walk with you through your fertility journey.

How does it work?

  1. We start with a consultation. This is when you can explain your specific circumstances, ask any questions, gather information and learn about the services we offer.

2. Select your support package. Once you have gathered all the information you need and feel confident moving forward, you select the support package that best meets your needs.

3. Let’s get started. Whether you need referrals to fertility clinics, fertility lawyers, naturopathic doctors or other practitioners, we will make the introductions for you. Already beginning your treatment? With unlimited text and email communication we are with you through it all.

4. Continued support. With ongoing communication, access to our lending library, complimentary services and being part of a community, your fertility journey doesn’t have to be one you go through alone.

Infertility Support Packages

All packages cover a 6 month term*

  • 60 minute in person initial or virtual consult

    Unlimited email and text support

    Access to lending library

    Copy of our Fearless Infertility eBook

    30 minute virtual follow up session (to be booked at any time during the 6 month period)

    Any necessary referrals to fertility clinics and/or other practitioners


  • Everything included in package 1

    Additional 60 minute in person or virtual session

    1 hour reflexology session

    1 hour Reiki session

    1 additional session of your choice- reflexology, Reiki or registered massage therapy (45 minute massage)


  • Everything included in package 1

    9 reflexology sessions- 2 of which are combination Reiki & reflexology (timed around ovulation/IVF transfer dates)

    Monthly 30 minute virtual session

    $150 discount on Fearless doula birth support


  • 60 minute in person session (in office) $100

    60 minute in person session (in home) $150

    30 minute virtual session $50

“During our fertility journey I utilized Fearless Wellness Centre for a number of services in addition to our medical fertility supports including reflexology, reiki, yoga and meditation classes and counselling services. The staff at Fearless took the time to get to know me as a person and helped encourage me along our fertility journey. Once we became pregnant I hired Anna as our Doula and cannot say enough great things about her! Anna was dedicated to us throughout our prenatal and postnatal care. She provided insightful education which helped guide us through our choices during labour and delivery. We were able to participate in a number of workshops and classes during our pregnancy to better prepare for labour. Anna also provided in home postnatal care which included lactation support and in home doula care. I am so grateful for Anna and all of the supports at Fearless Wellness Centre!”

“My fiancé and I have been on our fertility journey for a little over 2 years now. After many appointments we were given the news that the only way we could start our family would be through IVF. We had felt so defeated, with so many unanswered questions. Even though we have had an outstanding amount of support from our nurses, doctors, friends and family, something was still missing.

I have been following the Fearless Wellness Centre page on social media for quite some time. After discussion with my fiancé, we had come to the conclusion that it was time to reach out. At that moment, we had only had one video call with Anna and it was one of the best experiences we have had during our fertility journey. Even though we are in two different towns, Anna was able to answer all our questions thoroughly with kindness and compassion. We also had the chance to speak with Corrie at Fearless who had similar experiences as my fiancé and I. Anna continues to be readily available and continues to support and share her knowledge.

Although my fiancé and I wish we were not going through this, I am grateful to have the services that Fearless offers. If there could be one thing, I would change about our journey it would be reaching out for support sooner. Its okay to reach out and ask questions, to reach out and seek more support. The most important thing the team at Fearless has helped us with is knowing we are not alone.”