Welcome To Fearless Wellness Centre

Get to know our centre and team!

We Are Fearless

Welcome to Fearless’ blog! We're excited to welcome you to our centre, get to know you, and introduce our team. Since this is our first blog post, we wanted to introduce ourselves.

We are Fearless Wellness Centre. A team passionate about fertility and pregnancy. We love supporting families in their fertility and birth journeys.

Getting pregnant isn’t easy.

From a science point of view, it's simple. A sperm meets an egg, they join forces, and form a zygote. The zygote becomes a ball of cells called a blastocyst. The blastocyst nuzzles in the nutrient-rich lining of the uterus and an embryo develops. This can happen through intercourse, home insemination, intrauterine insemination or in vitro fertilization.

Although this seems so simple we understand that the process is nothing but. There are a lot of factors that affect fertility. Age, previous pregnancies, sperm health, life stressors, and medical conditions are only a few examples. As someone experiencing this, it can feel overwhelming, confusing, exciting, unpredictable, and lonely.

That’s where our team comes in.

We’re Here To Support You, Your Family, and Your Choices

When you’re trying to conceive and bring a child into the world, having the right support is crucial. You'll be talking about your medical history, relationships, menstrual cycles, birthing and family goals, choices, and feelings.

You need to be comfortable and trust that you have a fertility and birth team to support you.

Finding the right team to support you and your family during this journey can take time. At Fearless Wellness Centre, all new fertility and birth clients have an interview with our owner, Anna. This meeting allows our team to meet you, answer questions you might have, talk about your goals, and make a plan.

Our goal during this interview is to make sure our clients feel comfortable, safe, and trust our team.

Why Fearless?

We recognize that fertility and pregnancy can also bring feelings of fear. Fear is a big emotion, especially when you’re starting or expanding your family.

Fear is one of seven emotions that everyone faces. It plays a key role in keeping us safe and avoiding danger. Like many emotions, it can range from nervousness and anxiety to panic and terror.

Fear is triggered by the threat of harm, real or imagined. It affects our physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing. While it's helpful when avoiding bears in the woods, it can also pop up at not so convenient times. Our past experiences add to this fear.

Fear can drive us to not be our best self. It can feel like a bag of bricks weighing you down. As it’s an important emotion to keeping us safe, it also has physical, emotional, and mental effects on our bodies. Parts of our brain activate, hormones release, and systems in our body speed up or slow down. It can create blocks and pain that impact your fertility and pregnancy journey.

So, why did we choose the name Fearless Wellness Centre?

Our hope is that when people leave our centre, they are lighter, more confident, and more FEARLESS. We want our clients to know we’re here to support them, their families, and their choices, no matter what they are.

Our team is here to hold space for you and your feelings, educate you about your options, and advocate for you. You’ll find no judgement, pressure, or expectations. We’re here to join your birthing team and agenda every step of the way.

So, are you ready to meet the team?

Meet The Team

Anna Siwakoki, Owner

Doula, Reiki Master, Certified Lactation Educator, and Certified HypnoBirthing® Childbirth Educator

Anna’s journey to becoming a holistic reproductive practitioner began many years ago. Her parents struggled for years with infertility. After many years of trying and multiple miscarriages, they conceived Anna.

Since completing her Bachelor of Science in Health Studies in 2012, Anna’s passion for fertility and birth has only grown. She’s now a full spectrum doula, a certified reflexologist, Reiki Master, certified lactation educator, and Certified HypnoBirthing® Childbirth Educator. She seeks out training to help her clients and recently completed a course on multiples.

Anna offers services in both English and French.

Book an interview with Anna now.

Jenna Spencer


Jenna is a proud mother of three, stepmother of two, and surrogate mother to seven beautiful children. She knows a thing or two about fertility and pregnancy! She’s been a wonderful addition to our centre and plays a key role in our postpartum support services.

Jenna has extensive experience in childcare, household cleaning, and surrogate support services. She combines her personal and professional experience to support families in their transition to parenthood.

She believes it takes a village to raise a child and loves being a part of our client’s villages!

Learn more about our postpartum support services.

Julie Sweeney

Social Service Worker, Counsellor

Growing your family involves a lot of emotions! Julie helps our clients express their feelings, work through past experiences, and develop new skills and ways of thinking.

Julie is registered with OCSWSSW as a social service worker. She offers client-centered and solution-focused counselling. She works with individuals of all genders, ages, and life stages. She provides one-on-one sessions, couples counselling, workshops, and groups - both in person and online.

Julie enjoys helping people become aware, gain insight, and move into action to create lasting change.

Book an appointment with Julie.

Ronalyn Velasco

Registered Massage Therapist (RMT)

Meet our newest addition to the Fearless Wellness Centre team - Ronalyn!

Ronalyn has been practicing as a Registered Massage Therapist since September 2017. She is in good standing with the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario.

Her treatments help clients become more aware of their body and body mechanics. She loves educating clients on their body mechanics, how to build strength, improve mobility, and overcome injuries.

Ronalyn uses trigger point therapy, deep tissue, cupping therapy, neurokinetic therapy, remedial exercise, and kinesiology taping in her practice. She has further knowledge in vertebral and pelvic joint mobility.

Book your next massage appointment!

Let’s Connect

Are you:

  • Exploring your options?

  • Starting to plan?

  • Need support with infertility?

  • Pursuing surrogacy?

  • Already pregnant?

Our team is here to help you and your family. Let’s schedule an interview and find out which services and practitioners will benefit you the most.

If you have any questions, please email info@fearlesswc.com or give us a call at the centre at 343-261-3327. Our team cannot wait to meet you and help you become more FEARLESS!


What Is A Doula And How Can They Help My Growing Family?